Senior Chinese officials have warned that future investment in the developing world, especially in Africa, could be threatened if Chinese companies do not take steps to reduce corruption and adopt more socially responsible behaviour. 中国高层官员已警告称,如果中国企业不采取具体行动减少腐败,拿出更具社会责任心的行为,中国未来在发展中国家尤其是非洲的投资,可能会受到威胁。
Second, the stabilisation of the market today creates the seeds of future financial instability, because implicitly the central banks tell bankers that reckless behaviour will be punished lightly, inciting them to engage in such behaviour again. 第二,目前市场走稳给未来的金融动荡打下了伏笔,这是因为,央行等于在向银行暗示,不计后果的行为只会受到很轻的惩罚,进而促使(鼓动)它们重蹈覆辙。
These investigations would suggest hypotheses that could be tested against actual future behaviour. 根据这些调查你会得出一些假设,然后可对照未来实际发生的行为来作检验。
In future, Sky is also looking to tailor ads based on users 'viewing behaviour. 天空广播公司未来还将探索基于用户的收视习惯定制广告。
Households and businesses are able to engage in complex transactions because they are able to restrict their future behaviour. 家庭和企业之所以能够进行复杂的交易,是因为他们能够限制自己未来的行为。
The captain was removed from his position of executing the law to undertake self-reflection, and study. His future behaviour will be observed. 大队长被调离执法岗位,进行反省学习,以观后效。